FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01 383
8. DVE Operations
DVE Menu Orientation
The figure below illustrates the Advanced DVE Menu, with the Color Effects Panel
Figure 8-16. Advanced DVE Menu - Color Effects Panel (sample)
The Color Effects Panel enables you to adjust the DVE source’s overall brightness and
contrast, RGB brightness and contrast, hue and saturation, plus mono and invert effects.
Note that almost all color correction effects (except “invert”) work on a keyframe by
keyframe basis. This enables you to morph effects from keyframe to keyframe.
The following “color effect” functions are provided:
• Press {Bright Contrast} to adjust the source’s overall brightness and contrast.
Two value buttons appear:
~ Use the {Bright} button (or knob) to set overall brightness.
~ Use the {Contrast} button (or knob) to set overall contrast.
~ Press {Reset} to reset all brightness and contrast effects to default
• Press {RGB Bright} to adjust RGB brightness. Three value buttons appear:
~ Use the {Red Bright} button (or knob) to set red brightness.
~ Use the {Green Bright} button (or knob) to set green brightness.
~ Use the {Blue Bright} button (or knob) to set blue brightness.
~ Press {Reset} to reset all RGB brightness effects to default.