176 FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01
5. Menu Orientation
Memory Menu
The figure below illustrates a sample Memory Menu in the View Mode.
Figure 5-59. Memory Menu, View Mode (sample)
The Memory Menu provides a table of all 1000 memory registers, using a view of 15 rows
of registers at a time. The large register table itself is divided into two sections:
• The three left-hand columns list register numbers, locks and descriptions.
~ Reg — indicates the register number, from 1 to 1000. Refer to the
Selecting Registers” section on page 183 for more information.
~ Lock — indicates whether or not the register is locked, as set on the
Advanced Memory Menu. An “x” indicates “locked.” Registers can
only be locked and unlocked in
View Mode.
~ Description — displays a brief description (or name) of the register, as
entered via the
{Description} button. Descriptions can only be entered
View and Store modes.
The space above these three columns is reserved for the
STORE and RECALL labels, which confirm each
specific mode of operation. When no label is present, the
menu is in
View mode.