FSN Series • User’s Guide • Rev 01 359
8. DVE Operations
Introduction to the DVE
The following rules apply to DVE effect durations:
• Each switcher bank and M/E has its own unique transition rate and curve, as
controlled on the
Transition Menu. This rate governs how fast (or slow) you can
mix, wipe and key the various layers when
AUTO TRAN is pressed.
• The M/E transition rate and curve also applies to the DVE:
~ The transition rate governs the effect duration for dual keyframe DVE
effects — that is, how fast (or slow) keyframe 1’s parameters transition to
keyframe 2’s parameters.
~ The transition curve determines the type of motion path that the effect
obeys (linear, S-curve, logarithm or exponent).
• To change the DVE effect duration, change the M/E transition rate.
• To change the DVE motion path, change the curve.
• By providing one rate and one curve for all transitioning parameters on the M/E,
there are no conflicts when you pause and resume transitions using
and no conflicts when you use the
T-Bar for manual transitions.
• If an M/E transition involves an effect (e.g., mix or wipe) plus a DVE effect, both
always start and end simultaneously.
The term “morph” essentially means to “transform.” The FSN Series DVE enables you to
smoothly morph between a wide variety of parameters, from keyframe to keyframe.
The following list outlines morphing parameters.
• PIP position and size
• Source pan and zoom
• Mask
• Border width, color and edge type (e.g., hard, soft, halo, inside halo, outside halo)
• Shadow size and position
• Shadow edge width, luminance and opacity
• Image brightness, contrast, hue and saturation
• Monochrome
All other parameters do not morph. Instead, the system “cuts” to the requested effect when
the keyframe containing those parameters is reached in a dual keyframe effect.