
Align to object:
Aligns the Viewpoint to a selected surface. The View-
point is positioned to look at the surface, and its dimen-
sions will be large enough to cover the surface entirely.
Defines the resolution of the viewpoint, which becomes
the resolution of the exported template.
Split content:
Specifies theprojectors forwhichcontent produced from
this Viewpointwill becropped. Only oneViewpoint can
be used to split content.
Export template:
Exports the image seen from the viewpoint, which can
be used as a template by the artists. If the viewpoint has
split content enabled, crops are also exported in a
crops.xml file, andoutput animage definingall thecrop
Crops and packages
The Content Production tool allows you to generate a cropping template from a partic-
ular Viewpoint. See Generating a cropping template (p.157) for more information.
Remote mode
Use remote server mode to access a server from a remote machine on a local network.
For example, when you're doing calibration, it's usually practical to be able to move
around the surface, something you cannot do easily from the server. With the Remote
Server mode, you can just connect to the server using a laptop and continue your work
seamlessly. Once calibration is done, you can just go back to your server and continue
working on your project.
Figure H.15. Connect to Remote Server
Barco Pn: 60600320132
Appendix H: ToolsBarco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide