
Always running:
Check this box to ensure that the Player is launched imme-
diately upon connecting to the Master Player, and also any
time itis closed.Use this feature inproduction so that your
show is launched automatically when you turn on the
computers on site.
Options menu
Advanced Player options for rendering are available in the Options menu of the Prop-
erties pane.
Figure I.41. Advanced Player Option menu
Anti Aliasing:
Set the size of the anti-aliasing window (none,
low,” “medium,and high).
More anti-aliasing means more smoothing of sharp
Dedicated Fullscreen:
Run all X-Agora Displays in a single X-Agora Player
This evenly splitsthe X-Agora window into asmany
outputs as are connected to the Player. This feature
is used to obtain the maximum performance results
of X-Agora Player. When the dedicated fullscreen
mode is enabled, only one Player window is
launched, butthis windowcan spanmultiplescreens
if youareusing amanuallyconfigured AMDEyeFin-
ity Display Group.
Monitor (in Dedicated Full-
screen mode):
The field shows the index of the monitor that dis-
plays the X-Agora Player window. See Main proper-
ties (p.182).
183Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix I: Workflow layouts