
Player Types and Licenses: X-Agora Players with different numbers of outputs are
available. In order to launch X-Agora Player on a Player machine, its host needs to have
the right locallicense, either as anembedded softwarelicense ora physical USBdongle.
These licenses also restrict the number of physical live inputs that should be on a com-
puter. Runtime protection enforces these restrictions; if you try running a Player that
has more physical live inputs or more connected Player outputs than are allowed, the
Player closes and you are notified of the issue in X-Agora. See Licensing (p.29) for more
information on Licensing.
Player Status: A Player's status can be either offline,” “ready,or playing.A Player
is offlinewhen the Player machine is turned off, X-Agora Agent is not running, or
the Player is not connected to the same X-Agora Server. When the X-Agora Agent con-
nection is established, the Player is ready,meaning that the Player can be launched.
Once a Player is launched, its status is playing,and its performance information and
preview are updated.
Player Performance: When a Player is running, it periodically sends performance in-
formation toX-Agora. Youcan accessthis detailedperformance information byhovering
your cursor above each property and its related gauge.
The information available includes:
CPU usage
average processor usage and processor usage per core
GPU usage
graphics card name, load, and temperature
Memory usage
combined random-access memory usage
Disk usage
combined and partition-specific disk usage
SMPTE signal quality
the real-time audio level of the SMPTE signal, if it isused
X-Agora performance
software version, frame rate, application uptime, CPU
usage by X-Agora Player, and computer uptime
Figure I.35. Player performance
179Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix I: Workflow layouts