
Figure H.19. Animated position trail
Inserting keyframes
For the positionproperty,new keyframescan beinserteddirectlyin the canvas byhovering
the cursor over the path. When the cursor is over the path, a + appears next to the
cursor,indicating thatthe next click willinsert akeyframe atthislocation. SeeFigure H.20,
Inserting a position keyframe.
Figure H.20. Inserting a position keyframe
For non-position properties, new keyframes can be inserted in either of two ways.
1. Click on the plus sign on the left side of a keyframe layer, or
2. Unfold the layer to show the actual curve and hover the mouse at the
desired location.
Figure H.21. Inserting a keyframe with the + button
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Appendix H: ToolsBarco Media Server XHD-Series User Guide