
All Logs:
Displays all the information logged by X-Agora, including
useful debugginginformationfor yourproject, the software,
or your licenses.
Sync All Players:
Synchronizes the required logic and media files across all
Players, so that all of them have the resources to launch
your project.
Connect All Agents:
Requests that the Agent for every offlinePlayer in the
map connect to the Master Player. This makes the Players
readyif they are powered on.Machinesthatare powered
off can be powered on by using the WOL feature.
Auto fit:
Fits all the Players in one view.
Show thumbnail:
Displays a zoomable map of all the Displays in the map.
Adds Players with the specified number of outputs to the
map, or automatically adds all detected Players on the
Player properties
A Player has properties related to its physical host and connected projectors. These
properties are grouped into different expandable menus.Figure I.39, Expandable menus
of the Player Properties paneshows the expandable menus in the Properties pane.
Figure I.39. Expandable menus of the Player Properties pane
181Barco Pn: 60600320
Barco Media Server XHD-Series User GuideAppendix I: Workflow layouts