
RGTNB 2008
1. Check the package for damage. If any
damage is visible you should mark the bill
of lading you sign that there may be con-
cealed damage.
2. Insure the container is upright. If the con-
tainer is not upright major damage can
occur to your appliance. If damage is dis-
covered, do not refuse delivery. Contact
the dealer and file appropriate freight
claims. Save all packaging material. Do
not contact the manufacturer. Your appli-
ance was shipped from the dealer you pur-
chased it from. Shipping damage claims
are to be resolved between the customer,
shipping carrier and dealer. The manufac-
turer may assist in resolving any such
claims, but such assistance does not re-
lieve you of your responsibility.
3. Move the container as close to its installa-
tion location as possible. This will reduce
moving and handling your appliance once
it is out of its shipping container.
4. Cut the straps holding the carton to the
palette. Lift the unit directly out of the
box. Do not use a hammer. Do not cut
the carton with a razor, utility or box cut-
ting knife.
5. Thoroughly inspect your appliance for
damage. If damage is discovered, do not
refuse delivery. Contact the dealer and
file appropriate freight claims. Save all
packaging material. Do not contact the
manufacturer. Your appliance was
shipped from the dealer you purchased it
from. Shipping damage claims are to be
resolved between the customer, shipping
carrier and dealer. The manufacturer may
assist in resolving any such claims, but
such assistance does not relieve you of
your responsibility.
6. Remove and unpack any accessories
shipped with your appliance. Make sure
no hardware or accessories are left to be
disposed of unintentionally.