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Menu Summary C-29
BEAWLS_JOLT_V51 Application Menu
The menu commands in Table C-28 are the PATROL KM menu
commands at the BEAWLS_JOLT_V51 top level of the menu tree
Disable Dropping Users disables a connection pool immediately; any active user
operations are cancelled and current transactions are rolled
Shutdown Soft shut down a JDBC connection pool but allow jobs in
progress to complete before destroying the connection,
connections are closed as they are released back to the pool
Shutdown Hard immediately shut down a JDBC connection pool,
disconnecting any jobs in progress
Table C-28 BEAWLS_JOLT_V51 Application Menu Summary
Menu Command Action
Set Max Connections set the maximum number of Jolt connections that a pool can
Suspend Session Pool suspend operations on a session pool
Resume Session Pool restart operations on a session pool that was previously
Stop Session Pool stop a session pool
Remove Session Pool remove an existing Jolt session pool
Table C-27 BEAWLS_JDBC_V51 Application Menu Summary (Part 2 of 2)
Menu Command Action