18 Command Reference Guide
Change Port Access
Specify the type of connections (access) the port can make.
Server>> [set |define |change] port port_num
access [dynamic |local |remote |virtual |slprt
port_num Enter the port number whose access is being
dynamic Allows the port to originate and accept remotely-
originated connections. This is a combination of
remote and local access.
local Allows a device connected to the port to
originate connections and use the printer
server’s local-mode command set.
remote Restricts the port to receiving connections; it
cannot originate connections or use any of the
printer server’s local-mode commands. This
type of port is typically defined as a service.
virtual Restricts the port to usage as a transparent
slprt Allows the serial port to be used as a parallel
port on the printer server. This parallel port
continues to accept remote LAN connections
when the serial port is quiet.
none Disables all access to the port.