36 Command Reference Guide
Define NDS Tree
Specify the NDS Tree where the PSERVER object exists.
Server>> define server netware nds “tree_name”
“tree_name” Enter the NDS tree name where the printer
server is located, enclosed in quotes. The
default is no NDS tree name. To clear, enter “”
in its place.
TCP/IP Commands
Change TCP/IP Routing
Modify a TCP/IP routing entry in the printer server’s internal routing
Server>> [set |define |change] server route IP
dest_ip gateway gwy_name gwy_ip
dest_ip Enter the IP address of a destination network
whose route you desire to add to the routing
table. The IP address must be in standard
decimal dot notation. For example,
gwy_name Enter the gateway node name to use when
routing packets to the destination.
gwy_ip Enter the gateway IP address to use when
routing packets to the destination. The IP
address must be in standard decimal dot
notation. For example, 123.234.345.490