2 Command Reference Guide
Command Lines
A command line begins with the symbol >, contains the word “Server”
and a prompt.
A prompt consists of the word Server followed by one or two greater
than symbols (>). One (>) indicates nonprivileged status and two (>>)
signify privileged or supervisor status. The two prompts are shown
Server > (nonprivileged users)
Server >> (privileged users)
Nonprivledged users have read only privileges. Privileged or supervisor
users have all read and write privileges.
Keywords are enclosed in brackets and separated by vertical lines.
The user must enter a keyword to perform an action.
Server>> [set |define |change]
Variables are used as in mathematics: they represent a quantity, device
name, address or other entity. They are shown in bold italic type.
Server>> [set |define |change] server dhcp n m
n a variable
m a variable