30 Command Reference Guide
Change Groups
Select the LAT-compatible group code(s) for the printer server. These
group codes apply only to locally defined LAT-compatible services and
ports on the printer server.
Server>> [set |define |change] server groups
group_list [enabled |disabled]
group_list Enter the list of LAT-compatible group codes to
modify (see explanation of group codes below).
This list can be a single group code, a list of
group codes separated by commas, or a range
of group codes specified by two numbers
separated by a dash. Group codes must be
between 0 and 255.
enabled Enter enabled to add one or more groups to the
printer server’s existing group list.
disabled Enter disabled to removes one or more groups
from the printer server’s existing group list.
If neither enabled nor disabled is chosen, the printer server replaces
its entire existing group list with the new group list specified in the
Group codes are assigned to LAT-compatible network devices based
on categories. For example, all engineering nodes on a network
might be assigned to a group code of 0 and accounting nodes to a
group code of 1. The network administrator may restrict a user to
the use of only engineering codes, so the administrator sets the port
to access only the group 0.
Show Server
Display the printer server’s LAT characteristics.
Server>> [show |list] server LAT