Command Reference Guide 35
Enable or disable the NetWare forms function.
Server>> define server netware forms [enabled
forms Use this to designate the NetWare form
enabled With forms enabled, the printer server will pause
a print job that requires a different type of paper
and wait for paper to be changed on the printer.
disabled The default is disabled.
Selecting Bindery Emulation or NDS Mode
Specify the discovery method used by PSERVER.
Server>> define server netware pserver [auto
|disabled |3.x |4.x]
auto Discovers through both NDS and bindery.
Default is auto.
disabled Disables the printer server protocol separately
from other NetWare protocols.
3.x Only discovers through bindery.
4.x Only discovers though NDS.
Define Context - NDS
Specify the NDS context where the PSERVER printer server object
Server>> define server netware context “context”
“context” Enclose the context in quotes. The default is no
context. To clear, enter “ ” in its place.