Allows you to defrostfor a selected food weight.
Press Defrost.
Enterfood weight.
After 1/2 oftheselecteddefrostingtime, the oven signals
to turnthefood over.Atthistime, turnthefood over and
breakapart orrearrange the piecesfor more even
A dull thumpingnoise may beheard during defrosting.
Thisisnormalwhenovenisnot operatingat100% power.
■ Foods frozen in paper or plastic canbe defrosted in
the package. Closed packages should beslit, pierced
orvented AFTER food has partially defrosted. Plastic
storagecontainers shouldbe partially uncovered.
■ Family-size,prepackaged frozen dinners canbe
defrosted and microwaved. If the food is in afoil
container, transferit toa microwave-safe dish.
■ Foods thatspoil easily should not be allowed to sit
out for morethan one hour after defrosting. Room
temperature promotes the growthof harmful bacteria.
■ Whendefrosted, foodshouldbe coolbut softened
inall areas.Ifstill slightlyicy, return to the microwave
very briefly,or let it stand afew minutes.
About the cook features.
Add 30 Seconds
You canuse this featuretwo ways:
■ Itwill add 30 seconds to the timecountingdowneach
time thepad is pressed.
■ Itcanbeused as aquick way to set 30 seconds
ofcooking time.
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