NOte: Use ?he w] oies5 Gnote COtS!K) WithN tM@
r_n@e o_ H_e ilhfiored receive_ o_ 1Ire C_rY/-
COl(Jet shown <ibove
Note: The Wi_iess remote CO_rol rY_y !_ot
fur, cfioN io 5troi-->,0 _ight Suciq _s @i_¢:? suN1igh[ OC
,2ry brght a fifk:<]l {]hti,-g
Note: Cl÷or <,7_dr<CO1pai_ fore the wrefess
exo÷ co _trol to in9 bfrorec.f receiver TPe
WJFeeSS retool÷ CORf_O V_ON'I Wok if NIGob
s_oco boc_s _e _fored rays
_Jote: [he _8rsole oo_ro COd@ of fss C8_s-
co<fief s lii;ochi code VCP,2, f you wsve <xVC_
wlh he same <x>de your Hitochi VCF4moy ma-
*JNC iori W_@N yOU USe tb÷ oo_sCOrder s wire-
@SSLIi01@ C<DN![C
LCD Monito[ ,,..........+......,-,, ................. ......................... ,<,.....
_,14%e/_',.s_;,_gfneLCP ;vto,_It:orr!ts,d,'0 _ecordi,",G orw7y:]yPr_c£bed cg;+_oo}£isffir.'©A'...RhtnemJo#it_so'reef
,';Nd Itte <s_g/s of l:,_@rnoP,,tor
1t Opening the LCD Monito_ deo-ease t, Ater 5 sm:ol!ds, d_e d]_sm_e _[Jis
[]. [%lessIh_t{317]h_buli<,_i to ope_ h I(T[) ram- :4ay vii! au.tom:i/ca ]y ] sappear.
Note: Op,,_r_g o! cosirg ire [CD ,'_orito
sw cites the picture )o G©oem oq is® ICD
_o ifo o inihevievfr£{e,
@ Range in which the LCD Monifo_
can be moved
"\ 'b< $ <_5:_"d}\
', -<>. @" s_,b.
" "Rb_ h <" :," %:%
_i " OV;#' < ;?J
' _,s /
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_o ""<i '-' :_,?:%},u
i::,r/ is _resse<, t[_e I zizh[_es c<,nboi ]{splay
'4_] a__)<+a' 0_ he _,CD trios }s {or ab',u ;7£ec-
on[s. ]russ _ f< incn'ase bri_!<_,t_ess, )r Wf )