! ¢.onnect }ou_'camcoi%er to the VCR, bi]owflTg
pages 50-51.
2 7{-b/yrs013yO_41"VCT£ ard place it ii'/{be camcozde '
input mode (cons_al£ you_ VCR _=_I_uai */or
d< _a is). Ope_>_u d_e _eiev,;s_o__ a_ you n<>" _aEy
do {,) see the s g::al comi_g :ore fAe VCR.
]_[od do>,'/_ t_:< sma]TI bueo> <.',£8!e CA_,I/
O]'7/\qD7£O switch w1_}eyo_ s{k-!ethe s _i_ch
4 _nse_t fine _'ecoMed tape it_ the camco_dex' a_<{ a
bia_k _ap{ into d_ 'vC],t S_. tJ]e \CIR to reco{d.
}qa}' the tape from _}_e(:an_{ order* _1_ te record
mg (x_the VCR,
Note: if lh÷ VCR is connected to a tefevson
ond the VCR/rV se_ecio s se,_+e VCR yoa car
mort€or _he }ope beng dubbed,
Note: Reduce the vok rne oi he co;recorder c_s
!ow as >ossib}e during dubbing, Other,_',,se 1he
p/oye( b_;ck pictures cot_ld oe d{s_o;ied
Note: D:.r 93}uli ployb<x('.k (PAs"0 otlp({/
MPA'L oulpu_ dubbng oy not :_e possible
4th so _-_eVCI_s,