For U,S.A, only }
To locate an authorized
HtTACH_ service facility in
the continental U.S.A.
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
Hitachi America, Ltd. Home Electronics Division
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o yo( v,/8 anty card o_ opea r{ gJr;e
Should you have ar_y questions regarding L_-_larraJity service. _pera_o_ or l'ecffnisaJ asslstanee, please contact:
Hitachi An_edca, Lld. Home _te_,'i_ro_6s D_v_s_on
8bb 1/ r! 'C Co!Jr
Sa- O_go, CA 92_ 73
Te b800 _[ACI
(',-800-z4_22 )