Using fhe Power Zoom
77_epovy@f Z)o/g H/CoT";_#oJ w ¢.ien_ ;he _o/Pfu;o.... g_oYiq, ._l g>'..
...... J_..v. ,.t<.b_, T,.._d,,fd. ,_ p,c..],_ _ Z..,,_ t C,,,_pe,_S /ZZ-',
_,_ , _ J@,_0 , ,_ w_ , s, <..; D, s.C_. #bona!or. ii e cfJg.;/i< ?ZOOrr_
7hezoomspeedv _riesdependngonho,/,:[hepowelzool-,l
co_[rol]everi;moved:thvmore t[_e!everb moved,the
hi_,her tbm_ }'oom speed >:dl be.
Whenthepo>e 'zoom eo{'_t_olispe_-ated,dm z_o_>pos{on
s dis]_4ayedinthevie>,findero on theCD _qoni{o_'fo_"
abO*it 5 secoI]ds a]rd [hen disappe lx's g%_, zoom position is
displayed i_ 10 steps.
i \
zom_,_ posil-ior_
Using the Digitat Zoom
, >_ dg, 71 z<._/_ ,c. e&,es ,c ,:3g= _,,.,,./c,_ ( ..................... ] ( °-_==-=-4 ......
fh ?oower zoo_71©y,db tif71es '}x<PU f?9(iS_ fl)/(_C@ !'_'i@
subjeo you wisp to ,;qogrlity of tie tempter of the
v/ew@_der or LCD moo/tor.
Sideandholdthepower zoomco!_ti:o_tothe'T"
ide tu_,til you fi!d l:he p ctt re you w_mt. You con:
tro he zoo'_ w th _e po'_\,er zoom T nd _>,-con-
/rob When "ZOOM" is not dispb)ed i_ the
vie_s finder: o_' on the I.(D mo_itor, normal zoon
l'[lllcli(£1S £estlllle.
Note: [his d',]o zoon_ hos cerlc[n [mii3ions
<1_'£{mGy <:<,g[o(J@ o ex',reme rr o<Jni cotio _
On(<1_i) 'y CQracot(J,f)r S _-ov,_tTe 4
]3owe_' Zoom C011{1'o[
Using Macro
Thi.. J]ln<t_o_ a iov,, }¢<_ i:o ho)t ubi,-c[> a_.<}_o Powe,.'Zo_,m_.oot_o {_}
as 3/8 in<hes (]em), Frem,_ct _o/d d_e p w_c i
z)om co_ltso] W, ]"_'vccame£a {Pcus[ sos the s,J,la_eet
alsto[natlca ]). Cst<'k:<o _s:],gl" n 8 as { e,qds _e e
nsu_: ici, nt _._,h_ f: nirl X close :ip.
VM-H765LA/VM*H685LA/VM*_565LA]VM-E563LA/VM_E465LA E31