
Using the PROGRAM AE Button (for VM-H765LA/
VM H665LA/VM4 565LA)
RW$CcFPco_cf_f OJ! OQSi/y Set th@ sP,u?tor soeed #Tod ¢Tped%ffo/b s JJ?th6, suPjec? co,oo%ffo_ r@ooP.ff,'f_o
Si'L/'J?_fW]o[ pur_.os¢, CS Wo[; OSOdjSBHNg 0//Of these Qoco¢o'if_c_4 i(? _Y_@subv'oc? D_:;gh;mess (coNv'en2onoi
program A_)
P<ess file PPOGP, AM AE bu_#on to select the rocorU;ng mode according to # e subject to be ,+_coro'cd
o(_d ,_hereoondio_7 CORd,_K)O.%
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1p]-ess fl_e I_ROGRAM AE .......................... -_
butter]: _ will _T_*111_t
appear in the v:iew£nder or i
]],CD moidtor.
2 I _<ss the I-_,n} o_ 5101 buttc'n _e se!ed _.t_e
( _S r {] ec3r'/? t_ _vde.
(.......................... _ r..................... ,1
] i
Sports Mode Portroil Mode
t; t*
_: Spotlight Mode
Se]ect ibis mode ,,,,,}se,_Ihe contrast ra_io e£s@_lect
is hi,%h a@ tile h_ght gh£ed s{cdon a_a is rela_ivv
ly sl:nalI
_: Ooimup mode
Select [his mode when recordirb_ a goerly ]_tsd>,-
iec, such a> n a dim roem, etc,: The entire image
wilt be re< )rded brigh*-er
3 !:%ess the Stad/Stop button to start _ec:et'dLng,
['O IXh4r/3 {e the {Ul] auk<} 171ode, p_ess the !R()-
(;RAM %g botten
Gait>Up Mode Spotlight Mode
No Display: Full Auto Mode
]rithi>,mode, h_cn>< :@,r,_ltomaic;d!} _d_ t
t_e sl uf_er speed and aperttr[ accbrdh_ 8 o the
su)je( bN£ _tnes_ 'F_re_orc, us_ }ds mode [(,r
standard reeordJ _5,
_: Sports Mode
S_.'lect this mode wi_en ',e:>dk ;1;rap dly m<> _<
R bjects, s_cb as got or re=,nfs s'eings, e:c.: "the
st@lee[ >,[! be ea/?y recorded,>,ithout b] :tin 8
_: 9OrttOit Mode
Sele< {:hismode ,,hen :ecordi>g asub]ect po:ttait
sia x _14oft fr{_ a bturmd bad<grotm£.