105 95-7769—01
This section allows the user to configure the loop tuning parameters.
Throttling Range
Use this screen to configure the heat and cool throttling ranges. The wizard automatically modifies the heat and cool
throttling ranges when the number of stages configured is changed.
For a conventional RTU:
• Cool Stages = configured cool stages
• Heat Stages = configured heat stages
For a heat pump RTU:
• Cool Stages = configured compressor stages (cool stages)
• Heat Stages = configured compressor stages (cool stages) + Configured Aux heat stages
If you change the number of stages to zero, the throttling range remains unchanged.
The heat and cool throttling range values are selectable from 1 to 30 °F (1 to17 °C). If you enter an invalid value, the
wizard automatically modifies it to nearest valid value.
NOTE: Throttling range remains always at 5 for T7350H1017.
See below for throttling default values for the number of stages:
Heat/Cool Stages 1 2 3 4
Default Throttling Range (degrees) 3 4 7 8
Integral Time
Use this to configure the heat and cool integral time values. The wizard automatically modifies the heat and cool
throttling ranges when the number of stages configured is changed. Refer the following table for the default values of
integral time values for different stages.
If you change the number of stages to zero, the integral time remains unchanged.
A value of 0 means that the integral time is disabled.
Valid range is 100 to 5000 seconds. 0 also is a valid value. Values from 1 to 99 are invalid values. If you enter an
invalid value, the wizard automatically modifies it to nearest valid value.
NOTE: Integral time remains always at 1250 for T7350H1017.
See below for integral time default values for the number of stages:
Heat/Cool Stages 1 2 3 4
Default Integral Time (seconds) 3100 2500 1650 1250
Derivative Time
Use this to configure the heat and cool derivative time for PID loop tuning. The value is selectable from 10 to 3000
seconds. 0 also is a valid value. A value of 0 means derivative time is disabled. If you enter an invalid value, the
wizard automatically modifies it to nearest valid value.
Anticipator Authority
Configure the anticipator authority value. You can enter a value between 2 and 15. The default value is 4.
Select the Apply to Heat only field if it is to be applied for heating only.
Table 73. T7350 Equipment Control Fields. (Continued)
Name Definition