
15 95-7769—01
View list of Users
The list of users provides information on WebVision users
such as their names, roles, and e-mail IDs.
To view the list of users:
1. Click the Users tab. The Users page appears.
Fig. 21. Users page.
TIP: Use Filters to quickly search the required user.
Use one of the following filter options to search for the
required user:
•User ID
•Email ID
TIP: To quickly search the users, type the first letter of the
required filter criteria in the Keyword text box and type
an asterisk (*). This lists all the names starting with the
first letter that you have written in the Keyword text box.
2. The following information appears in a tabular format:
User Name – Displays the name of the user name.
Role – Displays the role assigned to the user.
Email ID – Displays the user's e-mail ID for
Phone Number – Displays the user's phone
Enable/Disable – Displays the user's status. Click
Enable to enable the user or Disable to disable the
NOTE: Select the check box in the header row to select all
the users listed.
Add/Edit Users
While adding a user:
Configure information related to User Name, Password,
Contact Information, and User Role Information through
the Properties tab.
Assign Devices to the user being created using the Access
on this WebVision tab.
Add new User only in the WebVision that is configured as
Network Server in networked WebVision.
To add a user:
1. On the Users page, click the Add User button. The
Properties page appears.
Fig. 22. Add User - Properties page.
2. Enter the account information of the user:
User ID – The unique user ID. It must have a
minimum of 6 characters.
TIP: You can use a maximum of 30 characters and a
minimum of 6 characters to set your user ID. The
permitted characters include a-z, A-Z, _, 0-9. The
following characters are not allowed: !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, -
, and |.
User Name – The user name.
Password – Type your password.
TIP: You can use a maximum of 30 characters and a
minimum of 6 characters to set your password. The
permitted characters include a-z, A-Z, _, 0-9. The
following characters are not allowed: !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, -
, and |.
Confirm Password – Retype your password.
Password Recovery Question – Select the
Password Reminder Question.
Password Recovery Answer – Type an answer for
the above question.
Role – The role or designation of the user. Select
the role from the list.
Show this user – The view authorized to the user.
Network Sidebar – The user is authorized to view
only the network side bar view.
Locations Sidebar – The user is authorized to view
only the locations view.
Preferred Language – The user defined language.
Select the language from the list.
3. Enter the Personal Information of the user:
Email ID – Type the user's e-mail ID.
Office Phone – The user's office contact number.
Residence Phone – The user's residence contact
Mobile Phone – The user's mobile contact number.
4. Set the Show Alarm Status. Select the alarm priorities
for which you want status update. The numbers are
listed from 1 through 10. The user can see only those
alarms whose corresponding priority is checked in this
step. Check Select All to view all the alarms