
95-7769—01 94
Setpoint Override: A configured setpoint
overrides the existing setpoint if the
corresponding Digital Input is TRUE. The Digital
Input1 maps to Setpoint1, Digital Input2 maps to
Setpoint2, vice versa.
b. Loop Configuration
Reset: Control loops allow the setpoint (only in
occupied mode) to reset either in the direction of
increased energy savings or in the direction of
the increased comfort. The reset of a control loop
is dependent on the analog reset sensor input.
The Zero Reset Sensor Value is the minimum
value above which the reset action occurs. The
engineering unit is the reset sensor engineering
unit. The Max Reset Sensor Value is the
maximum value below which the reset action
occurs. The Max Reset Amount is the value
subtracted from the setpoint when the setpoint is
reset as per the reset sensor input.
Recovery: This is used to calculate the ramp
rate at which it must reach the setpoint.
Control Params: This is used to configure the
EPID loop.
Auxiliary: The Aux D.O.is always intermittent for
unoccupied mode. The options available are
Continuous and Intermittent. The On Time is the
minimum ON time for the auxiliary digital output.
It ranges from 0 to 254 minutes with a resolution
of 1 minute. The Off Time is the minimum OFF
time for the auxiliary digital output. It ranges from
0 to 254 minutes with a resolution of 1 minute.
SetPoint Alarms:
The Alarm Pre Delay represents the time
required for the main sensor input value to be
beyond the range set by the Alarm Delta Above
setpoint or Alarm Delta Below setpoint (before
the SET_POINT_LOOP_ALARM is set). The
range is 0 to 65460 seconds with a resolution of
1 second
The Alarm Post Delay represents the time
required for the main sensor input value to be
within the range set by the Alarm Delta Above
setpoint or Alarm Delta Below setpoint (before
the SET_POINT_LOOP_ALARM return to
Normal is set). The range is 0 to 65460 seconds
with a resolution of 1 second.
The Alarm Delta Above Setpoint value
establishes the Alarm high limit for the main
sensor input. If the main sensor input value
increases above the effective setpoint value plus
the Alarm Delta Above Setpoint Value and
remains above for Alarm pre-delay time period
then a SET_POINT_LOOP_ALARM is set.
The Alarm Delta Below Setpoint value
establishes the Alarm low limit for the main
sensor analog input. If the main sensor input
value decreases below the effective setpoint
value minus the Alarm Delta Below Setpoint
value and remains below for Alarm pre-delay
time period then a SET_POINT_LOOP_ALARM
is set.
c. Sequencer & Stager
Sequencer: The sequencer configuration values
x1, x2, y1, and y2 determine the conversion from
the primary control loop (EPID) to the three
sequencer analog outputs. The sequencer takes
the primary (EPID) analog output value and splits
it to three separate analog outputs. Each of the
sequenced analog outputs ranges from 0 to
100%. The uses are controlling heating,
economizer and cooling, or converting the
primary EPID analog output into more stages.
The Sequencer 1 (Heat) Start field represents
start (x) percent of Sequencer
The Sequencer1 (Heat) End field represents
end (y) percent of Sequencer 1.
The Sequencer2 (Econ) Start field represents
start (x) percent of Sequencer 2.
The Sequencer2 (Econ) End field represents
end (y) percent of Sequencer 2.
The Sequencer3 (Cool) Start field represents
start (x) percent of Sequencer 3.
The Sequencer3 (Cool) End field represents
end (y) percent of Sequencer 3.
For example,
Sequencer 1 (Heat) Start: x = 0% y = 100%.
Sequencer 1 (Heat) End: x = 33% y = 0%.
Sequencer 2 (Econ) Start: x = 33% y = 0%.
Sequencer 2 (Econ) End: x = 66% y = 100%.
Sequencer 3(Cool) Start: x = 66% y = 0%.
Sequencer 3 (Cool) End: x = 100% y = 100%.
The Stage1-4 are used to control equipment with
ON and OFF states. Up to 4 digital outputs can
be assigned to each of the 4 analog outputs (16
total). Typically, the user would either assign 4
digital outputs to the primary analog output or up
to 12 digital outputs to the three sequenced
analog outputs. It can be configured as local or
remote digital outputs. The pseudo point can also
be selected.
The Lead Lag selection is used to equally share
the run time of the equipment among the stages.
The XL15C keeps track of run time by counting
the ON time every minute.
The Minimum On Time is the minimum time for
each staged digital output to be ON at a
resolution of 1 minute. It ranges from 0 to 254
The Minimum Off Time is the minimum time for
each staged digital output to be OFF at a
resolution of 1 minute. It ranges from 0 to 254
The Integral stage On Time is the interstage ON
time for the staged digital outputs at a resolution
of 1 minute. It is the time a lower numbered stage
must be ON before the next stage can turn ON. It
ranges from 0 to 254 minutes.
The Integral stage Off Time is the interstage OFF
time for the staged digital outputs at a resolution
of 1 minute. It is the time when a higher
numbered stage must be OFF before the next
stage can turn ON. It ranges from 0 to 254
Configuring XL15C Logic Loops
The XL15C controller has 32 Logic Loops. Each configured
Logic Loop generates outputs by applying logic functions on
different analog and digital inputs selected. These logic loop
outputs are commonly used as inputs to control loops, start/
stop loops, and math functions.