
59 95-7769—01
The setpoint knob is available in different types of scales, and with different setpoint meanings, based on the
country of usage. The temperature engineering unit used (°C or °F) is the setting made in WebVision when
creating the new project. This setting is used for the total project.
NOTE: The setpoint knob only affects the Occupied and Standby Setpoints. The Unoccupied setpoint is not
affected by the setpoint knob.
No Knob
The setpoint knob is ignored. Note that this must be chosen if there is no setpoint knob connected to the
controller. Selecting “NO” prevents the controller from reacting to incorrect setpoint values.
The setpoint knob is a relative knob, showing only a setpoint shift as (+) and (-) changes to the configured
Absolute Middle
The setpoint knob is an absolute knob, showing the setpoint in absolute degrees. It is used as the space
temperature setpoint midway between the heating and cooling zero energy band.
These two fields specify the allowed range of adjustment available from the wall module setpoint knob. It is
used by the building manager for energy management purposes to balance allowed comfort conditions with
energy usage.
When the setpoint knob as been chosen as relative, the setpoint limits define the range of adjustment of the
setpoint knob from the zero point, in (DDC) for °C installations and (DDF) for °F installations.
When the setpoint knob has been chosen as absolute, the setpoint limits are limits on the absolute range of
the setpoint knob in (Deg.C) for °C installations and (Deg.F) for °F installations.
Digital Input
Specifies usage of the digital input of the controller.
Digital Input 1
Window Closed
Indicates if a window is opened. An open window disables the controller operation. If the contact is closed,
the window is closed.
Window Open
Indicates if a window is opened. An open window disables the controller operation. If the contact is closed,
the window is open.
Occupied Sensor
Indicates if the room is occupied. While unoccupied, the controller switches from the occupied operating
setpoints to the standby operating setpoints. If the contact is closed, the space is occupied.
Unoccupied Sensor
Indicates if the room is unoccupied. While unoccupied, the controller switches from the occupied operating
setpoints to the standby operating setpoints. If the contact is closed, the space is unoccupied.
Air Flow
For monitoring correct fan operation using an air flow switch. When the fan is commanded on, the controller
monitors this input for the fan run-up time. If the fan does not run within 30 seconds, the input indicates that
the fan has failed. Similarly, the input indicates if the fan fails during normal operation. If the contact is closed,
the fan runs.
No Air Flow
For monitoring correct fan operation using an air flow switch. When the fan is commanded on, the controller
monitors this input for the fan run-up time. If the fan does not run within 30 seconds, the input indicates that
the fan has failed. Similarly, the input indicates if the fan fails during normal operation. If the contact is closed,
the fan is not running.
ChangeOver Cool
This selection is for local heat/cool changeover operation for two-pipe units using a switch or local thermostat
switch. When the contact closes, this input indicates that the system can operate in cooling mode. When the
contact opens, this input indicates that the system can operate in heating mode.
Changeover Heat
This selection is for local heat/cool changeover operation for two-pipe units using a switch or local thermostat
switch. When the contact closes, the input indicates that the system can operate in heating mode. When the
contact opens, the input indicates that the system can operate in cooling mode.
Table 33. FCU Inputs Fields. (Continued)
Name Definition