102 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
One example (see Figure 6-8 on page 101) would consist of copy/pasting the
${actor.name} package to the Actors package. Right-click on the pasted
package and select Find/Replace. Change the placeholder name to the name
of the actor. This will change the placeholder everywhere it exists under that
package. (In the future this is being considered as an area for automation
within the MDSD plug-in).
Within the Actors package is a place for a diagram containing all of the actors.
Also, if you want to show all the actors along with any operations they contain,
this can be shown in another diagram.
Figure 6-9 An actor with its connected I/O entities (the entity that it is connected to in any context diagram
(the enterprise) is also shown)
Logical entities
At the top, or Enterprise, level there is only one entity, so it is a simple case.
Under the Logical Elements folder is the element representing that entity, in this
case a class, along with a context diagram. If the element has many operations
as a result of use case analysis, then add an operations diagram, which is just
the element with its operations displayed. Displaying them in the context diagram
would make it cluttered.