168 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
Figure 7-17 Diagram with restaurant with constraint equation: Profit = Revenue – Costs
We can see from both the equations and the diagram that the number of meals
served plays a significant role in the profitability of the restaurant. We want to do
further analysis and simulation on how we might increase the number of meals
served. We will, however, be constrained by factors such as the size of the
restaurant—after a certain point, increasing profit might mean creating new
restaurants; you can only constrain salaries by so much; you can only charge
what market in your area will bear, if you decrease the quality of your ingredients
to reduce meal costs, you risk losing customers, and so on. We can express
these in further equations and diagrams, associate data with them, and since the
model now is populated with data, we will be able to hook it to a simulation
Let us take another example. If we are building a radar, we will most likely need
to consider its range as a requirement as well as its size and weight
(Figure 7-18).