Appendix A. MDSD use case specification template 185
Use-Case Specification: <Use-Case Name>
[The following template is for a Use-Case Specification, which is a verbal
description of the use case. This document is used with a requirements
management tool, such as Rational RequisitePro, for specifying and marking the
requirements within the use-case properties.
The use-case diagrams can be developed in a visual modeling tool, such as
Rational Rose®. A use-case report, with all properties, can be generated with
Rational SoDA®. For more information, see the tool mentors in the Rational
Unified Process.
Name Use Cases with an active voice verb phrase.]
1 Brief Description
[The description briefly conveys the role and purpose of the use case. A single
paragraph will suffice for this description.]
2 Actor Catalog
[This section lists the actors involved in this use case and briefly notes their role
in the use case. Note that these actors are also shown in the Use Case diagram.]
<Project Name> <Sub-Project Name> Document Version <0.1>
Use Case Specification Date: 20-Oct-07
Template Name: UseCaseSpecification Template Version: 0.1
Actor Name Brief Description of Actor
<indicate if Confidential> copyright <COMPANY>, 2007 Page 3 of 9