Appendix A. MDSD use case specification template 191
8 Extension Points
[Extension points of the use case.]
8.1 <Name of Extension Point>
[Definition of the location of the extension point in the flow of events.]
9 Special Requirements
[A special requirement is typically a nonfunctional requirement that is specific to
a use case, but is not easily or naturally specified in the text of the use case’s
event flow. Examples of special requirements include legal and regulatory
requirements, application standards, and quality attributes of the system to be
built including usability, reliability, performance or supportability requirements.
Additionally, other requirements
such as operating systems and environments,
compatibility requirements, and design constraints
should be captured in this
Requirements listed in this section should also be stored in RequisitePro using
the requirement type SSR (Software Supplementary Requirement), and should
be traced to another project or program-level SSR in the Supplementary
9.1 < First Special Requirement >
10 Additional Information
[Include, or provide references to, any additional information required to clarify
the use case. This could include overview diagrams, examples or any thing else
you fancy.]
<Project Name> <Sub-Project Name> Document Version <0.1>
Use Case Specification Date: 20-Oct-07
Template Name: UseCaseSpecification Template Version: 0.1
<indicate if Confidential> copyright <COMPANY>, 2007 Page 9 of 9