44 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
MDSD Step 3: Create a context diagram
A context diagram in MDSD is a diagram that shows a system element in the
context of the entities with which it interacts. In the case of an enterprise context
diagram, we represent the enterprise, and all of the enterprise actors discovered,
each with a relationship to the enterprise. The enterprise, of course, is treated as
a black box in this diagram, since no internal workings are shown—only the
interfaces it has with the outside world.
It is surprising how illuminating such a diagram is in the early stages of
developing a system! By showing an entity and everything with which it interacts
in a single view, it becomes straightforward (though not necessarily easy) to
reason about the precise positioning of the entity in relation to its world.
An example context diagram is shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Sample context diagram