Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
Steel – Carbon & Low Alloy, con’t.
Fast Freeze, High Speed, Mild Steel Stick Electrodes, con’t.
37 E6013 AC Here’s a terrific all-position electrode for low amperage welding on sheet
DC± metal—especially in applications where appearance is important. We’ve
designed Fleetweld
37 for excellent performance with smaller AC welders
having low open-circuit voltages. It’s an excellent choice for jobs involving
irregular or short welds that require a change in position.
47 E7014 AC Fleetweld
47 features high deposition rates for fast performance. Operators
DC± love this easy-to-use, all-position electrode! Choose Fleetweld
47 for sheet
metal lap joints and fillet welds, general purpose plate welding and
maintenance jobs.
Low Hydrogen, Mild Steel Stick Electrodes
7018 MR E7018 H4R DC+ There’s a long list of reasons why operators are so loyal to Excalibur
7018. They
AC tell us they love the clean puddle, the square coating burnoff, the easy all-position
handling and the excellent wash-in characteristics. It’s a terrific choice for jobs
that involve steels with poor weldability.
7018-1 MR E7018-1 H4R DC+ When the job involves critical, out-of-position welding, reach for Lincoln Electric’s
AC Excalibur
7018-1. It offers a beautifully clean weld puddle, uniform slag follow,
and superior wash-in with no undercutting. Also great for welding on steels with
marginal weldability.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
3/32 6CT (1TB) ED031726
1/8 6CT (1TB) ED031727
1/16 20CT (5CT) ED030692
5/64 20CT (5CT) ED030691
3/32 20CT (5CT) ED030564
1/8 20CT (5CT) ED030565
5/32 20CT (5CT) ED031729
3/32 30CT (10EO) ED032573
1/8 30CT (10EO) ED032574
5/64 50CT ED010170
3/32 50CT ED010161
1/8 50CT ED010153
5/32 50CT ED010165
3/16 50CT ED010156
3/32 6CT (1TB) ED031713
1/8 6CT (1TB) ED031153
3/32 20CT (5CT) ED030566
1/8 20CT (5CT) ED030567
5/32 20CT (5CT) ED031742
3/32 50CT ED010189
1/8 50CT ED010183
5/32 50CT ED010193
3/16 50CT ED010186
3/32 6CT (1TB) ED032086
1/8 6CT (1TB) ED031468
5/32 6CT (1TB) ED032087
3/32 30CT (10EO) ED032588
1/8 30CT (10EO) ED032589
5/32 30CT (10EO) ED032590
3/32 50EO ED028280
1/8 50EO ED028281
5/32 50EO ED028282
3/16 50EO ED028283
7/32 50EO ED028917
1/4 50EO ED028918
3/32 30CT (10EO) ED032591
1/8 30CT (10EO) ED032592
3/32 50EO ED028700
1/8 50EO ED028702
5/32 50EO ED028704
3/16 50EO ED028706
7/32 50EO ED028919
1/4 50EO ED028920
Stick Electrode, con’t.
Package Code Key: CT = Cardboard Carton EO = Easy Open Hermetic Can TB = Tube