Electrode AWS General
Name Class Description
High Speed Single Pass Welding Wires
E70T-3 NR-5 is great for high speed, flat and horizontal, single pass only, automatic welding
-5 applications. Recommended for maximum steel thickness up to 3/16” (4.8 mm).
E70T-10 High deposition rates and fast travel speeds. For automatic and semiautomatic high speed,
-131 single pass welding only, on material thicknesses of .110” (2.8 mm) or more. A solid per-
former for twin arc welding applications, especially in flat, horizontal, and automatic
roundabout positions.
E71T-14 Designed for high speed, single pass only, automatic and semiautomatic welding of carbon
-152 steels from .030-3/16” (0.8-4.8 mm) thicknesses. A good choice for galvanized, specialty
zinc-coated or carbon steels.
Out-of-Position Welding Wires with No Impact Requirements
E71T-11 One of our most popular all-purpose Innershield
wires. Versatile wire suitable for all-position
-211-MP welding of light gauge steel or thin plate. Maximum plate thickness for diameters up to .045”
(1.1 mm) is 5/16” (7.9 mm). 1/2” (12.7 mm) for all larger diameters. Low spatter and excellent
weld appearance. Ideal for many applications and an easy wire for operator training.
E71TG-G An alternative to NR
-211-MP when welding plate thickness up to 3/4” (19.0 mm). A good
-212 choice for general purpose, all-position welding. Produces smooth welds with excellent
Out-of-Position Welding Wires with Impact Requirements
E71T-8J Designed for general welding where excellent Charpy V-Notch impact properties are required.
-203MP Handles poor fit-up on heavy wall tubes and gaps up to 3/8” (9.5 mm) with 1/4” (6.4 mm)
E71T8-Ni1 Use for all-position, including vertical down when impact properties and a nickel bearing
-203 weld is desired. For single and multiple pass welding on mild steel and some low alloy
Nickel (1%) steels. Performs well in automatic and semiautomatic applications.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
3/32 600R ED012701
.120 600R ED012698
3/32 600D ED012699
3/32 600R ED012163
.045 25SP EDS01702
.062 50C ED012185
.068 50C ED012186
.062 500D ED024301
.030 5CT(1SP) ED031448
.035 10CT(1SP) ED027641
.035 10SP ED016354
.045 10SP ED016363
.068 56CT(14C) ED012506
5/64 56CT(14C) ED012508
.035 25SSP ED030637
.045 25SSP ED030638
.068 25SSP ED030641
5/64 25SSP ED030645
.068 50C ED012507
5/64 50C ED012509
3/32 50C ED013869
.045 10SP ED026090
.068 56CT(14C) ED027803
5/64 56CT(14C) ED027794
.045 25SSP ED030639
.068 25SSP ED030642
5/64 25SSP ED030646
5/64 50C ED026858
5/64 56CT(14C) ED021604
.068 25SSP ED030640
5/64 56CT(14C) ED012385
5/64 50C ED012386
Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Wires
Package Code Key: C = Coil CT = Cardboard Carton D = Speed Feed
Drum (wire) or Steel Drum (flux) HS = Hermetically Sealed Pail
R = Speed Feed
Reel SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool VFB = Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag