Electrode AWS General
Name Class Description
Out-of-Position Welding Wires with Impact Requirements, con’t.
E71T-8 High deposition rate, out-of-position welding. For single or multiple pass welding of 3/16"
-232 (4.8 mm) and heavier mild steel. Self-peeling slag. Innershield
-232 is the structural
fabricator’s choice to meet the stringent Charpy V-Notch requirements of today’s codes.
E71T-8 This advanced technology wire is designed for high deposition rate welding, even
-233 out-of-position, while delivering good Charpy V-Notch properties. Innershield
is welder-friendly, making it easier to pass tough qualification tests and deposit great
looking beads.
In-Position Welding Wires with Impact Requirements
E70T-6 Great for downhand welding applications where high deposition rates and Charpy V-Notch
properties are desired. Designed to be used with mild steel for single and multiple pass,
automatic and semiautomatic welding. Low spatter and excellent operator appeal.
E70T7-K2 Similar to NR-311, but with improved Charpy V-Notch properties. Designed to be used in
-311 Ni flat and horizontal positions for single and multiple pass welding. Produces high deposition
rates and fast travel speeds.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
.068 54CT(13.5C) ED012518
.072 54CT(13.5C) ED012522
5/64 54CT(13.5C) ED012525
.068 25SSP ED030643
.072 25SSP ED030644
5/64 25SSP ED030647
.068 50C ED012519
.072 50C ED012523
5/64 50C ED012526
Sealed Pkg:
.068 54HS(13.5C) ED032531
.072 54HS(13.5C) ED030232
5/64 54HS(13.5C) ED032532
.068 25SP(VFB) ED032533
.072 25SP(VFB) ED030949
5/64 25SP(VFB) ED032534
1/16 50CT(12.5SP) ED030933
1/16 25SP ED030934
.072 25SP ED031030
Sealed Pkg:
1/16 25SP(VFB) ED031576
.072 25SP(VFB) ED031577
5/64 25SSP ED030648
3/32 50C ED012593
Sealed Pkg:
3/32 25SP(VFB) ED030971
3/32 50C(VFB) ED030005
5/64 25SSP ED030650
3/32 50C ED017822
7/64 50C ED017824
Sealed Pkg:
3/32 50C(VFB) ED032530
Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Wires
Package Code Key: C = Coil CT = Cardboard Carton D = Speed Feed
Drum (wire) or Steel Drum (flux) HS = Hermetically Sealed Pail
R = Speed Feed
Reel SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool VFB = Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag
Only 3/32" NR-305 is recommended for FEMA 353 and AWS D1.8 applications.