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If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#A53>#;@5A>@GF:AD;L76;7>6*7DH;5735;>;FK for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
,+ &%
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Error Codes for the Power Wave 455: Code 10675 and above.
The following is a list of possible error codes that the Power Feed 10M Dual Wire Feeder can output via the dis-
play on this user interface.
%AF7For any Err # listed below write down the error number for reference and try cycling power to see if the
error clears itself. If not, refer to the What to Do column for the given Err.
'&** #
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Display shows any of the following:
CAN communication bus off.
User Interface time out error.
Unprogrammed Weld Mode.
Empty Weld Table.
Weld Table checksum error.
Primary overcurrent error.
Capacitor "A" under voltage
(Left side facing machine)
Capacitor "B" under voltage
(Right side facing machine)
Probably due to excessive number
of communication errors.
User Interface is no longer respond-
ing to the Power Source. The most
likely cause is a fault/bad connection
in the communication leads or con-
trol cable.
Contact the Service Department for
instructions on reloading the
Welding Software.
Contact the Service Department for
instructions on reloading the
Welding Software.
Contact the Service Department for
instructions on reloading the
Welding Software.
Excessive Primary current present.
May be related to a switch board or
output rectifier failure.
Low voltage on the main capacitors.
May be caused by improper input
When accompanied by an overvolt-
age error on the same side, it indi-
cates no capacitor voltage present
on that side, and is usually the result
of an open or short in the primary
side of the machine.