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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#A53>#;@5A>@GF:AD;L76;7>6*7DH;5735;>;FK for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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The feeder doesn’t power up - no
display, no cold feed.
No shielding gas.
1. The Power Feed™ 10M Single
Wire Feeder power switch is
OFF. Turn the Power Feed™
10M Single Wire Feeder power
switch ON.
2. The Power Wave power source is
OFF. Turn ON the Power Wave
power source.
3. The circuit breaker for the wire
feeder on power source have
tripped. Reset the circuit break-
4. The control cable may be loose or
damaged. Tighten, repair or
replace the control cable.
5. The power switch is damaged.
Replace the power switch.
1. The gas supply is OFF or empty.
Verify the gas supply is ON and
2. The gas hose is cut or crushed.
Route the gas hose so it avoids
sharp corners and make sure
nothing is on top of it. Repair or
replace damaged hoses.
3. Dirt or debris is in the solenoid.
Apply filtered shop at 80psi to the
solenoid to remove dirt.
4. There is a loose solenoid connec-
tion. Remove the cover and
check that all connections are in
good condition.
5. The solenoid has failed.
1. Check for 40VDC at J81 leads
#540 and #500. If voltage is pre-
sent, replace P.C. BD. If voltage
not present, check leads from J81
on BD. to Input 5 pin connector.
Refer to machine schematic.
1. Check for 6.5VDC with trigger
pulled at J83 leads #553 and
#554. If voltage is present replace
solenoid. If voltage is not present
replace P.C. BD. Refer to
machine schematic.