AiV Components
Using the remote with ........... 44
A/V Memory Positions
Adjusting the picture ............. 67
Adjusting the sound ............... 72
Customizing ..................... 67, 68
Selecting ................................. 65
A/V Network
Description ............................. 57
Setting .................................... 57
Using ...................................... 57
A/V Network Terminals
Using Mitsubishi products with
...................................... 36, 37
A/V System
Adjusting convergence ........... 58
Adjusting the picture ............. 67
Adjusting the sound ............... 72
Adjusting video functions ...... 68
Customizing the memory
]position ......................... 67, 68
Memory positions ................... 65
Se:lecting the A/V memory
:position ............................... 65
Using external audio compo-
nents .............................. 29, 37
Active AN Network Terminal... 23
Using ................................ 36, 37
Active AV Network
Using Quick Program with ... 97
Adjust Buttons ........ 12, 13, 18, 19
Adjusting the Convergence ....... 58
Advanced Features .................... 76
Setting the Timer ................... 77
Using Parental Lock ....... 78 - 81
_-: SuperQuickView TM ........... 82, 83
_qT-A Terminal ........................ 22
ANT-B Terminal ........................ 22
Terminals ............................... 22
[_sing separate UHF/VttF ..... 28
Audio Controls ........................... 19
Audio Functions
Adjusting ................................ 72
Balance ................................... 72
Bass ........................................ 72
Descriptions ........................... 72
Level Sound ............................ 73
Listen to ................................. 72
Monitor Out ........................... 73
Speaker .................................. 73
Surround ................................ 73
Treble ..................................... 72
Audio Input Terminals .............. 23
Audio Monitor Terminals .... 22, 23
Audio Products
Using remote control with ..... 19
AV Reset Button ........................ 12
Back Panel ................................. 22
Balance ....................................... 72
Basic Connection Overview ....... 24
Bass ............................................ 72
Batteries (Remote Control) ....... 14
Brightness ...................... 12, 67, 68
Adjust ................................ 17, 18
Cancel ......................... 12, 17, 18
Enter/Exchange ......... 13, 17, 18
Information ................ 17, 18, 86
Home ................................. 17, 19
Input ........................... 13, 17, 18
Light .................................. 17, 18
Menu ........................... 13, 17, 19
Mute .................................. 17, 18
Numbers (0-9) ................... 17, 18
Picture-in-Picture (PIP)
PIP 17, 19, 90
PIP Channel 17, 19, 93
PIP Input 17, 19, 92
Power .......................... 12, 17, 18
Quick Program ........... 17, 18, 97
QuickView TM ..........................17, 18, 50
Sleep Timer ................ 17, 19, 87
SuperQuickView TM 17,18,51,82
VCR and Audio Product Func-
tion ...................................... 19
Cable TV
Using remote with ................. 43
Using with cable box ....... 26, 32
Using without cable box .. 25, 29
Calling For Service .................. 1(14
Cancel Button ............... 12, 17, _L8
Channel Controls .......... 12, 17, :L8
Adding .................................... 56
Changing ................................ 48
Deleting .................................. 56
Locking ................................... 80
Memorizing ............................ 55
Using QuickView ................... 50
Using SuperQuickView _ 51, 82
Using the SQV button ........... 83
Cleaning your TV ..................... 103
Setting .................................... 53
Setting the timer ................... '?7
Closed Caption Decoder
Adjusting ................................ 71
Closed Captioning
Adjusting the closed caption
decoder. .............................. 71
Standard captioning .............. 70
Text capt:ioning ...................... 70
Color ........................................... 67
Color Temperature .................... 68
Adjusting convergence ........... 58
TV +,_ltcnna or cable
without a cable box ................ 25
TV +cable with a cable box .... 26
TV +Mitsubishi products
with &_ network termi... 36, 37
TV +separate UHF and VHF
antennas ............................. 28
TV +stereo audio system ....... 35
TV +VCE +antenna or cable
without a cable box ............ 29
TV +VCF: +cable with
a cable box .............................. 32
Consumer Relations ................ 104
Contrast ...................................... 67
Controls ................... 12, 13, 18, 19
Audio ...................................... 19
Channel ............................. 12, 18
Locking _:he TV ....................... 79
Picture-in-picture (PIPI ......... 19
Remote control ....................... 16
Selecting' the language .......... 64
Selecting: the menu type ... 59, 60
Turning your TV on/off'. ......... 46
Understanding the on-screen
displays .............................. 86
Usin_ the on-scl:een menus ... 52
Video ......................... x............ 19
Volume ...................... :....... 12, 18
Customizirg the A/V Memory
Position ........................ 67, 68
Enter Button ........................ 13, 18
Espafiol ....................................... 64
Exchange Button .................. 18. 19
Extended Data Services ............ 86
Home Button .............................. 19
Important Safeguards ................. 3
Informa'fio n Button .................... 18
Index 107