Using the parental lock (cont.)
[] Lock the Channel
[] Secret code : .... I
The lock is now off.
Enter your personal code
using NUMBER buttons.
Then press ENTER
to select the channels.
_] ENTER to enter
MENU to go back
[] Lock the Channel
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
] ADJUST to se(ect
ENTER to enter
MENU to go back
[] Lock the TV
[] Ant-A 003
] ........
] ........
] ........
] ........
] ........
] ........
] ........
] ........
] ........
_---_ADJUST to select
ENTER to enter
MENU to 9o back
41' .v,
locking the c:hannel
O The message "Lock the Chan-
nel" will appear.
O Enter a fi_u:r-digit secret code
using the n amber buttons (0-9);
press ENTER.
You can cancel the code if you
press CANCEL before you press
O You will see the channel lock
set up screen. Use the tbur
ADJUST buttons to select a
position. Press ENTER.
O Use the ADJUST buttons to
select the antenna (Ant-A or
Ant-B) that has the channel you
want to lock. Press ENTER.
Use the C]_kNNEL buttons to
select the channel you "want to
lock. Press ENTER.
Repeat the steps above to lock
additional channels. When you
are finished, press the HOME
button 1;oturn off the raenus.
When you try to view a locked
channel, you will be asked to
enter your four-digit s,_cret
code. l_',nl:er the code to
temporarily disable the lock.
The lock will be enabled again
when you turn the TV off.
Chapter 3: Operating Your TV