Selecting for PIP .................... 92
Input Button (Front Panel) ....... 13
Input Button (Remote) .............. 18
Naming ................................... 61
Selecting the input source ..... 47
Selecting ............................... i. 64
Light Button .......................... _.:.18
Listen-To Function .................... 72
Locking Channels ...................... 80
Using the parental lock ......... 78
Locking Your TV ........................ 79
M _
: t
Memorizing Channels ............... 55
Selecting the menu language 64
Selecting the menu type ........ 59
Menu Button ....................... 13, 19
Mute Button ............................... 18
Naming the Input ...................... 61
Number Buttons (0-9) ................ 18
On-Screen Displays
Understanding ....................... 86
On-Screen Menus ...................... 52
Operating Your TV .................... 39
Parental Lock
Canceling ................................ 81
Changing ................................ 81
Using ...................................... 78
Pause Button ............................. 19
Picture-in-Picture (PIP)
Modes. See PIP
Picture-In-Picture Controls ....... 19
Activating the PIP image ...... 91
Selecting source of the PIP
image .................................. 92
Using .................................. 90-95
PIP Button ................................. 19
PIP CI-t Button ........................... 19
Power Button (Front Panel) ...... 12
Power Button (Remote) ............. 18
Power Indicator ......................... 12
Problems and Solutions ........... 100
Program Timer Indicator .......... 12
Quick Program Button
Using with Active AV
Network .................................. 97
QuickView TM
Description ............................. 50
Setting QuickView TM memory 50
QV Button .................................. 18
Remote Control
Buttons ................................... 16
Description ............................. 41
Functions ................................ 16
General instructions ............ 15
Installing batteries ................ 14
Using to adjust video
functions ................................. 68
Using with a cable box ..... 41-45
Using with Mitsubishi audio
components ........................ 44
Using with Mitsubishi laserdisc
players ................................ 45
Using with VCRs ............ 41, 42
Using with Mitsubishi AW
receivers ............................. 45
VCR Buttons .......................... 19
S-Video Input Terminal 12, 13, 22
S.A.P ........................................... 72
Select Switch .............................. 18
Service ...................................... 104
Setting the A/V Network ........... 57
Sharpness ................................... 67
Sleep Button ....................... 19, 88
Sleep Timer
Changing or canceling ........... 89
Setting .................................... 88
Using ...................................... 87
Adjusting ................................ 72
Spanish Language ..................... 64
Speaker Function ....................... 73
Special Features ................... 6, 85
SQV Button ......................... 18, 82
Stereo Audio
Using external audio compo-
nents ................................... 35
SuperQuickView TM
Customizing ........................... 82
Using ...................................... 82
Using the SQV button ........... 83
Surround .................................... 73
Terminals ................................... 22
Active A/V Network ............... 23
Antenna .................................. 22
Audio input .......... 12, 13, 22, 23
Audio monitor .................. 22, 23
S-Video input .................... 13, 22
Tuner outlc,ut .................... 22, 23
Video Input ................ 12, 13, 22
Video monitor ................... 22, 23
Setting .................................... 77
Using the sleep timer ............ °87
Tint ............................................. 67
Treble ......................................... 72
Troubleshoot: ng ......................... 99
Calling fbr service ................. 104
UHF Antenna Terminal ............ 22
Unpacking Your TV ................... 7
Using remote with ........... 41, 42
Using with a cable box .......... 32
Using without a cable box ..... 29
VCR Butto:as
Remote Control ...................... 19
VHF Anter..na Terminal ............ 22
Video Controls ..................... 19, 67
Adjusting ................................ 68
Adjustin_g convergence ........... 58
Background ............................. 68
Brightness .............................. 67
Color ....................................... 67
Color temp,_rature ................. 68
Contrast ................................. 67
Sharpne,_s ............................... 67
Tint ......................................... 67
Video Input; _erminals .. 12. 13, 22
Video Monitor Terminal ........ 22, 23
ViewPoint Mc_nus
Using ...................................... 52
Volume Contzols ................. 12, 18
XDS. See Extended Data Services
108 Index