Customizing the A/V memory position (cont.)
adjusting the closed caption decoder
You can access the closed caption decoder screerL using the MENU
or AV MEMORY button. When adjusting the closed caption "_
decoder, you can use the buttons ,on the remote control.
_--"1TV Main Menu
Customize Display
[] Advanced Features
_J Select hJV Memory
_--_ ADJUST to select
ENTER to enter
[]_[] MENU to exit menus
[] Select A/V Memory
[] S_andard
[] Music
[] Movie
[_--TADJUST to select
ENTER to enter
CANCEL to reset
MENU to go back
access with the MENU button
O Press the MENU button on the
remote control. The TV Main
Menu wil:kappear on the
Use the ADJUST up/down
buttons t,_ choose "Select A/V
Memory". Press ENTER.
O Use the ADJUST up/down
buttons to :select the A/V
Memory you want to modify.
Press ENTER.
[] Video Function
Tint =:::===_==._=::==
[] Color ,===:,,-,,,_
[] Contrast c:==:::_=,,=_
[] Brightness
[] Sharpness
[] Color ternp : Middle
[] Background : Black
LgJF_£.G_:When muting
0 Select tl_.e closed captio_a
display by pressing the AD-
JUST up/down buttons. Press
the adjust right or left button to
select tl:_e desired close,:l caption
signal. Wait until the display
appears. That option is now
_2b _2_b _
access with the AV Memory
111Press the AV MEM(JR_ button.
Press ENTER. Next press
ADJUST up/down until the
closed caption menu option
Press the ADJUST rightAeft
buttons t0 select the desired
closed caption signal.
(See previous page for explana-
tion of caption settings.)
Getting Started 71