Changing channels (cont.)
using the QuickView TM optllon
The QuickView TM feature can
work in two ways: to recall the
last channel viewed (Last Channel
Recall), or to recall a channel you
put into QuickV:iew TM memory.
If you have not memorized any
channels into QuickView TM
Memory, Last Channel Recall
allows you to use the QV button
to switch back and forth be-
tween the current channel_ and
the last one viewed.
QuickView TM Memory allows
you to use _he QV button to
switch back and forth between
the last channel you were
watching and the channel you
put into QuickView TM memory.
Setting the QuickView memory
O Tune to the channel you wish to memorize.
Press and hold the QV button for about 2 seconds. The channel
numbers and a QV designator will appear on the screen,
indicating that you have memorized that channel.
After changing to another channel, press tlhe QV button to
immediately return to the memorized channel.
0 If you press the QV button while watching the memorized
channel, you will return to the last channel viewed.
The memorized QV channel will remain in memory until you
replace it with a new channel using the procedure above. Once a
channel has been programmed as a favorite QV channel, you
cannot use the QV button to switch between the current and Lhe
last viewed channel Lm!ess you re-select the current channel as the
QuickView TM channel.
50 Chapter 3: Operating Your TV