Custom SettingsSetup
Option Description
Camera meters wide area of frame and instantly sets exposure
based on composition, distance, shading, and color. Produces
natural-looking results in almost any situation.
Camera meters entire frame but assigns greatest weight to center.
Classic meter for portraits.
Camera meters active focus area only (if Closest Subjct is selected
for AF-Area Mode, camera meters center focus area). Ensures that
main subject will be correctly exposed, even when background is
much brighter or darker.
13: Metering
In P, S, A, and M modes, metering determines
how the camera sets exposure.
Metering is available with CPU lenses only. If a type G and D lens is used when
matrix metering is selected, the camera will set exposure using the full range of
information available from its 420-segment RGB sensor (3D color matrix metering
II). Color matrix metering II is used with other CPU lenses.