Introduction—Getting to Know the Camera
Large-Capacity Memory Cards
When enough mem o ry re mains on the memory card to
record a thou sand or more pic tures at cur rent set tings,
the num ber of exposures re main ing will be shown in
thou sands, round ed down to the near est hun dred
(e.g., if there is room for ap prox i mate ly 1,260 ex po -
sures, the ex po sure count dis play will show 1.2 K).
Camera Off Display
If the camera is turned off with a battery and memory
card inserted, the number of exposures remaining will
be displayed in the control panel.
The Viewfi nder Display
When the battery is totally exhausted, the
display in the viewfi nder will dim. The view-
fi nder display will return to normal when a
fully-charged battery is inserted.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Reference circle for center-weighted
metering....................................... 96
2 Focus brackets (focus areas).... 16, 33
“No memory card” warning
.. 11, 123
4 Battery indicator ........................... 14
5 Focus indicator ............... 17, 35, 123
6 Focus area.............................. 16, 33
AF-area mode............................... 89
7 Flash value (FV) lock...................... 98
8 Shutter speed..........................40–45
9 Aperture (f/-number) ...............40–45
10 Flash compensation indicator........ 38
11 Exposure compensation indicator.. 47
12 Number of exposures remaining... 14
Number of shots remaining
before memory buffer fi lls............. 21
Preset white balance recording
indicator....................................... 79
Exposure compensation value....... 47
Flash compensation value............. 38
PC mode indicator.................. 59, 60
13 Flash-ready indicator..................... 18
14 Autoexposure (AE) lock................. 97
Electronic analog exposure display
.. 46
Exposure compensation................ 47
16 Auto sensitivity indicator......... 91, 92
17 “K” (appears when memory remains
for over 1000 exposures)................ 5