Technical Notes—Appendix
Exposure Program (Mode P)
The exposure program for mode P is shown in the fol low ing graph:
F (lens focal length)
55 mm
135 mm
135 mm
Shutter speed
The maximum and minimum values for EV vary with sen si tiv i ty (ISO equivalency); the
above graph assumes a sen si tiv i ty of ISO 200 equivalent. When matrix metering is
used, values over 17
3 EV are re duced to 17
3 EV.
Flash Control ( 36, 109)
The following types of fl ash control are supported when a CPU lens is used
in combination with the built-in fl ash or an optional SB-800 or SB-600
i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR: Flash output is adjusted for a natural bal-
ance between the main subject and the background.
Standard i-TTL Flash for Digital SLR: Flash output is adjusted for the main subject;
the brightness of the background is not taken into account. Recommended for
shots in which the main subject is emphasized at the expense of background de-
tails, or when exposure compensation is used.
Standard i-TTL fl ash control is used when Spot is selected for Custom
Setting 13 (Metering; 96) or exposure mode M is selected when the
built-in fl ash is used. i-TTL balanced fi ll-fl ash for digital SLR is used in all
other cases.