Reference—P, S, A, and M Modes
P, S, A, and M modes offer varying degrees of control over shutter speed
and aperture.
Mode Description
Camera sets shutter speed and aperture for optimal exposure.
Recommended for snapshots and in other situations in which
little time is available for adjusting camera settings.
User chooses shutter speed; camera selects aperture for best
results. Use to freeze or blur motion.
User chooses aperture; camera selects shutter speed for best
results. Use to blur background or bring both foreground and
background into focus.
M Manual
User controls both shutter speed and aperture. Set shutter
speed to “bulb” for long time-exposures.
P, S, A, and M modes offer control over a variety of advanced settings, in-
cluding shutter speed, aperture, and white balance.
Choosing an Exposure Mode
P, S, A, and M Modes
Controls used: Mode dial
P, S, A, and M Modes
When using a CPU lens equipped with an aperture ring, lock the aperture ring at the
min i mum aperture (highest f/-number). Non-CPU lenses can only be used in mode
M, when aperture can be adjusted manually using the lens aperture ring. The cam-
era exposure meter can not be used. See “Optional Accessories” ( 105).
If the limits of the exposure metering system are exceeded, one of the following in di -
ca tors will be dis played in the control panel and viewfi nder:
Indicator Description
Subject too bright. Lower sensitivity or use optional Neutral Density (ND) fi lter.
Subject too dark. Raise sensitivity or use fl ash.
Advanced Settings
11: EV Step controls the size of the increments for shutter speed and aperture
( 92). 12: BKT SET can be used to vary exposure automatically over a series of
photographs ( 93). Exposure can be locked using AE lock ( 97).