Technical Notes—Troubleshootng
If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common prob-
lems below before consulting your retailer or Nikon representative. Refer to
the page numbers in the right-most column for more information.
Problem Solution
Camera takes time to turn on. Delete fi les or folders. 84
Viewfi nder is out of focus.
• Adjust viewfi nder focus.
• Use optional diopter adjustment lens.
Viewfi nder is dark. Charge battery or insert charged battery. 14
Displays turn off without warning.
Choose longer monitor off or meter of
Unusual characters displayed in
control panel
See “A Note on Electronically Controlled
Cameras,” below.
Displays in control panel or view-
fi nder are slow and dim
Displays are affected by high or low tem-
• Fine lines around active focus
area in viewfi nder
• Viewfi nder display turns red
These phenomena are normal and do not
indicate a malfunction.
Menu item is not displayed. Select Detailed for CSM/Setup Menu.69
Menu item is unavailable.
Choose another mode or insert memory
Image size can not be changed.
NEF (Raw) or NEF+JPEG Basic selected for
image quality.
Shutter release is disabled.
• Aperture not locked at highest f/-number.
• Memory card is locked.
• Memory card is full.
• Flash is charging.
A Note on Electronically-Controlled Cam er as
In extremely rare in stanc es, un usu al char ac ters may ap pear in the control panel and
the cam era may stop func tion ing. In most cas es, this phe nom e non is caused by a
strong ex ter nal stat ic charge. Turn the cam era off, re move and replace the battery,
and turn the cam era on again, or, if you are using an AC adapt er (available sep a -
rate ly), dis con nect and re con nect the adapt er and turn the cam era on again. If the
problem persists, press the reset switch (see right) and then reset the camera clock
to the correct date and time ( 68). In the event of
con tin ued mal func tion, con tact your re tail er or Nikon
rep re sen ta tive. Note that dis con nect ing the power
source as de scribed above may result in loss of any
data not re cord ed to the memory card at the time the
prob lem occurred. Data already recorded to the card
will not be affected.
Reset switch