third-partysuppliers)isinsertedinthecamera.ChooseEnableto upload
• _: Eye-Fiuploaddisabled.
• _: Eye-Fiuploadenabledbutnopicturesavailableforupload.
• _ (static):Eye-Fiuploadenabled;waitingtobeginupload.
• _ (animated):Eye-Fiuploadenabled;uploadingdata.
• _: Error- cameracannotcontrolEye-Ficard.IfablinkingCR,-d appears in the
control panel or viewfinder, refer to page 307; if this indicator is not displayed,
pictures can be taken normally but you may be unable to change Eye-Fi settings.
[I_ Eye-Fi Cards
Eye-Fi cards may emit wireless signals when Disable is selected. Ira warning is displayed in
the monitor (_ 307), turn the camera offand remove the card.
Seethe manual provided with the Eye-Fi card, and direct any inquiries to the manufacturer.
The camera can be used to turn Eye-Fi cards on and off, but may not support other Eye-Fi
[] Supported Eye-Fi Cards
As of June 2010, the following Eye-Fi cards can be used: 2 GB SD cards in the Share, Home,
and Explore product categories, 4 GB SDHC cards in the Anniversary, Share Video, Explore
Video, and Connect X2 product categories, and 8 GB SDHC cards in the Pro X2 and
Explore X2 product categories. Eye-Fi cards are for use only in the country of purchase. Be
sure the Eye-Fi card firmware has been updated to the latest version.
View the current camera firmware version.