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DK-20CEyepieceCorrectionLenses:Lenses are available with diopters of-5, -4, -3, -2,
O,+0.5, +I, +2, and +3 m i when the camera diopter adjustment control is in the
neutral position (-I m i). Use eyepiece correction lenses only if the desired
focus can not be achieved with the built in diopter adjustment control (-3 to
+I m i). Test eyepiece correction lenses before purchase to ensure that the
desired focus can be achieved. The rubber eyecup can not be used with
eyepiece correction lenses.
Magnifying EyepieceDK-21M:The DK-21 M magnifies the view through the
viewfinder by approximately 1.17 x (50 mm f/1.4 lens at infinity; -I.0 m i) for
greater precision when framing.
MagnifierDG-2:The DG-2 magnifies the scene displayed in the center of the
viewfinder for greater precision during focusing. Eyepiece adapter required
(available separately).
EyepieceAdapterDE-22:The DK-22 is used when attaching the DG-2 magnifier.
Right-AngleViewing AttachmentDR-6:The DR-6 attaches at a right angle to the
viewfinder eyepiece, allowing the image in the viewfinder to be viewed at right
angles to the lens (for example, from directly above when the camera is
CaptureNX2:A complete photo editing package offering such features as white
balance adjustment and color control points.
CameraControlPro2: Control the camera remotely from a computer to record
movies and photographs and save photographs directly to the computer hard
Note: Use the latest versions of Nikon software. Most Nikon software offers an auto
update feature when the computer is connected to the Internet. See the websites
listed on page xvii for the latest information on supported operating systems.
B_dyv.cap BF-1BandBF-1ABodyCaps:The body cap keeps the mirror, viewfinder screen, and low-
pass filter free of dust when a lens is not in place.
ML-L3wirelessremotecontrol: Use as a remote shutter release for self-portraits or to
prevent blur caused by camera shake. The ML-L3 uses a 3 V CR2025 battery.
_ iiiI i I i_I
Pressing the battery-chamber latch to the right (_l_),insert a fingernail into the gap
and open the battery chamber (_2_).Ensure that the battery is inserted in the
correct orientation (_4_).
_-_--T-_:i The D7000 is equipped with an accessory terminal for __1_ _ _
accessory: MC-DC2remotecords(_ 73) and GP-1GPSunits(_ 162), which
^,Zi._, connect with the • mark on the connector aligned with
_,.^._^..i[. the • next to the accessory terminal (close the camera
°_L_"_ connector cover when the terminal is not in use).