Choose pictures.
Highlight Select image and press I_.
The dialog shown at right will be displayed;
highlight pictures using the multi selector and
press the ql_ button to select or deselect (to view
the highlighted picture full screen, press and hold
the o_button; to view images in other locations as
described on page 164, hold BKT and press •).
Selected pictures are marked by a __ icon. Press
_) when the selection is complete.
Save the resized copies.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed. Highlight Yes and press _) to save the
resized copies.
[] Viewing Resized Copies
Playback zoom may not be available when resized copies are displayed.
[] Image Quality
Copies created from NEF (RAW) or NEF (RAW) + JPEGphotos have an image quality (_ 85) of
JPEG fine; copies created from JPEG photos have the same image quality as the original.
Create copies with enhanced saturation and contrast.
D-Lighting is applied as required to brighten dark or backlit
Press• or • to choose the amount of enhancement. The effect
can be previewed in the edit display. Press _) to copy the