Donotdrop:The product may malfunction if subjected to strong shocks or vibration.
Keepdry:This product is not waterproof, and may malfunction if immersed in water or exposed
to high levels of humidity. Rusting of the internal mechanism can cause irreparable damage.
Avoidsuddenchangesintemperature:Sudden changes in temperature, such as those that occur
when entering or leaving a heated building on a cold day, can cause condensation inside the
device. To prevent condensation, place the device in a carrying case or plastic bag before
exposing it to sudden changes in temperature.
Keepawayfrom strongmagnetk fields: Do not use or store this device in the vicinity of equipment
that generates strong electromagnetic radiation or magnetic fields. Strong static charges or
the magnetic fields produced by equipment such asradio transmitters could interfere with the
monitor, damage data stored on the memory card, or affect the product's internal circuitry.
Donotleavethe lenspointedat thesun: Do not leave the lens pointed at the sun or other strong light
source for an extended period. Intense light may cause the image sensor to deteriorate or
produce a white blur effect in photographs.
Turntheproductoff beforeremovingordisconnectingthepowersource:Do not unplug the product or
remove the battery while the product ison or while images are being recorded or deleted.
Forcibly cutting power in these circumstances could result in loss of data or in damage to
product memory or internal circuitry. To prevent an accidental interruption of power, avoid
carrying the product from one location to another while the AC adapter isconnected.
(leaning: Keep the lens contacts clean. When cleaning the camera body, use a blower to gently
remove dust and lint, then wipe gently with a soft, dry cloth. After using the camera at the
beach or seaside, wipe off any sand or salt using a cloth lightly dampened in pure water and
then dry the camera thoroughly. In rare instances, static electricity may cause LCDs to light up
or go dark. This does not indicate a malfunction, and the display will soon return to normal.
The lens and mirror are easily damaged. Dust and lint should be gently removed with a blower.
When using an aerosol blower, keep the can vertical to prevent discharge of liquid. To remove
fingerprints and other stains from the lens, apply a small amount of lens cleaner to a soft cloth
and wipe the lens carefully.
See "The Low-Pass Filter" (_ 284, 286) for information on cleaning the low-pass filter.
Donottouchthe shuttercurtain:The shutter curtain is extremely thin and easily damaged. Under
no circumstances should you exert pressure on the curtain, poke it with cleaning tools, or
subject it to powerful air currents from a blower. These actions could scratch, deform, or tear
the curtain.