Mode Auto (_ auto;@ auto(flashoff)); scene (_ portrait;_ landscape;._. child;_ sports;
closeup;[] nightportrait;[] night landscape;?._party/indoor;t_ beach/snow;i sunset;
imldusk/dawn;".Hpetportrait;2candlelight;_ blossom;@ autumncolors;fqfood;
Z_silhouette;_ highkey;m lowkey);programmed auto with flexible program
(P); shutter-priority auto (S);aperture-priority auto CA);manual (M);UI (user
settingsI); U2(usersettings2)
Exposurecompensation-5 - +5 EV in increments of I/3 or I/2 EV
Exposurebracketing 2-3 frames in steps of I/3, I/2, 2/3, I, or 2 EV
_ias_h_br_i_iin_:"_: _ 7Z_7_Iilor_ _ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
White balance 2-3 frames in steps of I, 2, or 3
ADLbracketing 2 frames using selected value for one frame or 3 frames using preset
values for all frames
Exposurelock Luminosity locked at detected value with AE-L/AF-Lbutton
ISOsensitivity ISO 100 - 6400 in steps of 1/3or 1/2 EV. Can also be set to approx. 0.3, 0.5,
(Recommended 0.7, 1,or 2 EV(ISO 25600 equivalent) above ISO6400; auto ISO sensitivity
ExposureIndex) control available
ActiveD-Lighting Auto, Extra high, High, Normal, Low, Off
detection, fine-tuning, 39 focus points (including 9 cross-type sensors),
and AF-assist illuminator (range approx. 0.5- 3 m/1 ft. 8 in.-9 ft. I0 in.)
Detectionrange -I - +I 9 EV(ISO 100, 20 °C/68 °F)
Lensservo I_'--'T_°-_, __ieis_F iAl::Sii conti nuous-_F iAF:Ciiauto .......................
AF-S/AF-C selection (AF-A);predictive focus tracking activated
automatically according to subject status
• Manualfocus(M): Electronic rangefinder can be used
Focuspoint Can be selected from 39 or 11 focus points
AF_areamode Single-point AF; 9-, 21-, or 39-point dynamic-area AF, 3D-tracking,
auto-area AF
Focuslock Focus can be locked by pressing shutter-release button halfway (single-
servo AF) or by pressing AE-L/AF-Lbutton